Prepping for Prom
June 14, 2018
Getting ready for prom is stressful. You have to pick out and buy the perfect dress or tux and match with your partner. You have to make all your prom plans in advance, like what are you going to do for dinner and where you’re going to go afterward. Prom is especially important for the seniors; it is the last dance of the school year.
“I bought my dress three weeks before prom because I wanted to be prepared. It took me about two and a half hours to get ready for prom because I wanted to look my very best, it was my last high school dance ever,” said Athena Nieshe, a graduate student from Charlotte High School.
The people involved with setting up prom plan in advance to ensure prom is a fun and memorable event for everyone who attends.
Sometimes it could be stressful trying to pick out and plan everything all at once, but once it all comes together everything feels so great.
“I felt amazing when I was ready because I looked so good, but I was almost late so I was stressed out that I wasn’t going to make it to prom on time,” said Nieshe.
It’s important that you are prom ready and have everything planned out so that you know you won’t be late, pictures are early.
“This is probably the only dance I will go to because it’s my senior prom and there will be a lot of memories made,” said Cole Applehans, a senior at Sedro-Woolley High School.
Prom is great for so many different reasons- the memories, getting to dress up and eat good food with your friends and it’s the senior’s very last high school dance. Prom is a very fun event and you should go if you get the chance.