The Pros and Cons of Gene Cloning and Editing
June 10, 2019
Yes,cloning and gene editing are still in the process of becoming safer and less invasive for both the embryo and the mother that is carrying that embryo, it is still helpful in many ways,such as Gene editing can be used by taking DNA samples of both the mother and the father. It is used to see what the baby’s DNA could possibly be, since there is so many possibilities of DNA the baby could have, then if there is something that the parents want to change as in dangers in the baby’s future.
The scientist can then go into the DNA and possibly change the gene that gives you blue eyes or even the gene that could possibly give you a disease such as down syndrome, heart disease, lung underdevelopment, etc. The pros of cloning allow parents who are infertile or same sex couples to be able to pass some of their genes down the their children, it can also help with organ replacement doctors can take cells from the old organ and add it to the new/donated organ.
There has been many successful tests in both cloning and gene editing,for example doctor He of china successfully edited the genes of two babies, the twins his plans where to make the babies unable to be affected by the H.I.V.There is so much more pros to cloning and gene editing as of the ones that were talked about in this article.
While there is positive sides of cloning is there is also a negative side being as this will always be the case as nothing is one dimensional like people would hope so. Some negatives to cloning is the big picture question of is cloning ethical and morally right. This is the big picture question as this makes people share their opinion but that does change the fact that they are humans too regardless of the original purpose.
That would indicate that they have human rights which would result in it being illegal to use them to be an organ donor to the original or help save the life of them. As being created just for the sole purpose of having something to do with science and or save the original life. Results in the clone having some sort of psychological distress themselves and others around them as they may not know how to cope with it.
While making others deal with it we have only talked about when the are “born” we also have to bring up the negatives when barely being developed as too many cells could cause it to start the process of cellular degradation which after a certain time period they are become more unstable and result in the death of the cell. Which then result in them being discarded as the no longer serve a purpose.
Being as being discarded as the no longer serve a purpose. Being as cellular degradation is a thing this could potentially also cause genetic diseases as the have started to decompose and become unusable rendering them as not as healthy as a newer embryo. Some more negatives of cloning could include having a shorter life span as a sheep was successfully cloned in 1996 but died six years later while that is a good life it falls on the shorter end of a sheep’s life. While this was the case for dolly she had also at a disadvantage of living long as she had contracted other genetic diseases such as sheep lung cancer at the age of five which did not occur in the original and the only difference is one is a clone while one is the original.
Both sides have their fair share of valid points that all need to be addressed before cloning becomes either an ethical, moral and revolutionary practice on par with other medical inventions like the Vaccine and the X-Ray, or just another footnote in the ever growing expanse of history.
While one side argues that cloning is entirely ethical and the criticism surrounding it is nothing but skepticism and that people were skeptical of inventions such as the telephone yet here we are in the most connected world in human history, another side argues that the practice of cloning will cost an unnecessary amount of human life and that no one will ever for example eat food that had been created by cloning. Cloning is on a course, heading towards the next revolutionary invention, the next absolute disaster or the next invention going nowhere, but with all things there will always be some who criticize and some who praise.
It is not entirely up to those who analyze and question, but it is up to us, the recipients of this future technology, to decide whether cloning is a practice that we as humans can allow within our society. The future is now and it is now that we have to decide if we are ready for it.