Gas Prices Increasing Per Day
Pain at the pump as gas prices continue to rise
May 18, 2022
Recently gas prices are at an all time high in the nation. The average price for a gallon of gas on May 4th was $4.32. This is a 48% increase from last year’s average. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the price for crude oil has gone up in part because of the sanctions. Some states are suspending gas taxes using budget surpluses to cover the cost. But some people pay more than the regular price for their car.
Stefanie Clink, who drives a 2020 WRX Subaru says she likes to keep premium quality gas in her car.
“I guess it doesn’t affect me other than my pocket book,” said Clink. “It used to be $40 to fill up last year. Now it’s $70 and because it’s a sports car, we fill it up twice a week.”
Oil traders say it will take time for other countries to fill the void of lost oil from Russia. But how does this affect the way we get around?
Paul Carter head of transportation at the Concrete School district said it has impacted the district.
“We have changed some routes from bus routes to car routes. Otherwise nothing else has changed in that aspect,” said Carter.
The way schools pay for gas is a little different than regular civilians with cars, Carter says.
“We have a bid price from a company for the diesel and gas prices for the year. As of right now, it hasn’t affected us too badly, financially for now. We will get a new yearly bid price in August,” said Carter.
Although it hasn’t affected them financially yet, when the bidding starts in August they will choose and pay the company that offers the lowest price. Many people are finding ways to save gas just like Carter, who switched the buses from their usual routes to car routes.
Clink says she has also made changes to the way she drives.
“If we keep the car in economy mode, it tends to run better gas mileage. If we don’t drive as fast, we also get more gas mileage that way,” says Clink. “We’ve been putting the car in neutral on downhills and it saves quite a bit as well, so there’s work arounds on how to save gas, but not work arounds on how to save the money at the pump,” said Clink.
There are little things here and there that everyone is doing that help us save a little bit of gas.
“If we play these games with the car the gas mileage goes from 20 to 33 miles per gallon on the highway,” said Clink.
Patrick Huggins, the librarian at Sedro-Woolley High School said the increase in gas hasn’t been too bad for him.
“I haven’t been driving as much since the pandemic started, so it isn’t affecting me so much yet. Plus, I have set a limit. I put 50 dollars of gas in the tank and make due with that to drive wherever I really need to go,” said Huggins.
However, raising gas prices and inflation have left many teachers and students of SWHS frustrated with gas prices.
Alyssa Baydak, a Junior at Sedro-Woolley High School said gas prices have had an impact on her.
“I drive to school everyday, which is probably 20 to 25 minutes away so it affects me,” said Baydak. “It cost me 60 to 65 dollars to fill up my tank, which is a lot of money.”
Patrick Huggins thinks while it affects many, it will affect some people more than others.
“With the prices of everything increasing, people with less money, it affects them more.”
Baydak agrees.
“I personally come from a family of truck drivers so they are affected by gas prices. It’s more expensive to keep the country running.’’According to Huggins, there is a reason for the changes in gas prices. ‘“Obviously there is the Russian/Ukraine thing going on and there are the supply chain issues. All around the world there are issues with getting materials, including oil, and getting them to where they have to go. The shift to green energy is also going to drive up the cost of oil because as more people use it (green energy) the more the cost of oil has to go up.”