Dungeons and Dragons

Lucas Fowler, Jordan Cook, Luka Murcray, Keagan Mccurdy at a D and D club at a weekly meeting. Photo courtesy of Lucas Fowler.
May 18, 2022
The dungeons and dragons club is an after school activity that takes place every Monday and Thursday. Lucas Fowler, started the club in Poul Brask’s music room after school and runs until 4:00 PM. When asking the head of the club about why he started the club, he said he and a few friends wanted to play DND, but didn’t have a place to play DND, so they started a Club. Sometimes do things other than just DND, sometimes they will just goof off.
For those who are interested, but don’t know what DND is: DND, or Dungeons and Dragons, it is a tabletop role playing game started in 1974 by a company called Tactical Studies Rules INC, before being selling publishing rights to Wizards of the Coast in 1994. The core of Dungeons and Dragons and other tabletop role playing games is teamwork and flexibility, it is writing a story in a collaborative effort put forth between players and dungeon master to tell a story that everyone is interested in.