Cub Editor-in-Chief Madisun Tobisch leaves behind important legacy

Four-year Journalism student Madisun Tobsich will study journalism at WWU this fall.

By Madisun Tobisch

As I prepared to start at Sedro-Woolley High School as an incoming freshman in the class of 2020, I was stubborn, insecure, and certain that the next four years would not be the best years of my life as I had been told many times they would. While looking back, I can still say that the last four years will not be the best of my life, but they have proved to be the most transformative so far. 

   I feel incredibly lucky to have found a passion so early on in my life. The first semester of my freshman year I was enrolled in Journalism. I remember taking a liking to the structure of writing and the freedom to cover what I thought was important. The semester passed quickly and I was eager to take the year long course of Journalism II.

   I continued writing for the school paper and in another year’s time, I was the Editor-in-Chief. It didn’t seem possible. I felt like I had doomed the paper and that The Cub would certainly sink under my command. Slowly but surely I gained confidence in my work, which led to me gaining confidence in who I am. Opportunities opened up for me thanks to support given to me by my four-year advisor Ms. Ferdinand, who inspires me daily to be a strong and thoughtful person.  The summer before my senior year started, I was finishing a summer internship while working part-time, and was published in three local news outlets. I was more than ready during my senior year to focus my energy into furthering the content and design of The Cub

   At some point along the way, journalism became ingrained in my future plans. I can’t see myself doing anything other than reporting on the news and giving others a platform to speak out. I attribute most of my personal growth to the art of journalism. Having the ability to understand different perspectives, ask difficult questions, make your name known, and know that information leads to change, have made me into a prepared student journalist, but have also made me a better person. 

   Sedro-Woolley High School is a great place and I’m thankful for the education I received there. There is thoughtfulness and a sense of community in those halls, but there is always room for improvement. I can’t wait to see what steps SWHS will continue taking to ensure that every student can look back fondly on their time there, as I have the privilege to do. 

   As a 2020 graduate, I can now say that my stubbornness has evolved into a set of strong moral values and a fighting spirit for what’s right, and my insecurities have become my humbleness and humility. I can now say that I feel ready to begin my next journey as I head to Western Washington University this Fall to continue studying journalism.